Oyster Harbour
Ocean opening | Permanently open |
Estuary surface area | 16 km² |
Average depth | 2m (max 10m) |
Catchment area | 3000 km² |
Catchment: estuary ratio | 188 |
Mean annual rainfall | 735 mm/yr |
Mean annual discharge | 90 GL/year |
Catchment cleared | 65% |
City/town | Albany |
Population | 34 000 |
Population growth rate | 2.5% pa |
People per estuary area | 2125 |
Shipping trade | none |
Commercial fishing | King George whiting, Australian herring, black bream |
Aquaculture | 2 oyster/mussel farm licences |
Recreation/tourism | Boating, fishing, swimming |
Heritage | Aboriginal fish traps |
The picturesque Oyster Harbour is highly valued for its role in tourism, commercial and recreational fishing and oyster and mussel farming. Fish traps built near the mouth of the Kalgan River in Oyster Harbour approximately 7000 years ago remain sacred to the Menang people.
The ecosystem collapsed in the 1990s with significant seagrass loss. It has been recovering since, but there is need to boost the active management of waterways and increase actions to improve water quality in the region.
For Oyster Harbour, Healthy Estuaries WA will:
- Support the Oyster Harbour Catchment Group in the joint delivery of on-ground action and long term management strategies to care for Oyster Harbour
- In partnership with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, farmers and potentially local groups, reduce the nutrient runoff from farms while supporting farm productivity
- Work with local groups to restore stream function, move stock away from waterways and improve water quality by implementing river action plans
- Fund increased monitoring of Oyster Harbour and its catchments.