Grazing farmers across the South West are being encouraged to take part in a soil testing program designed to support farmers make better fertiliser decisions.
The program involves soil testing, nutrient mapping, farmer workshops and the option for one on one accredited agronomic advice.
Ken John, Beef producer from Karridale who was involved in the soil testing program in 2016 said “I’m absolutely wrapped in the program, I’ve saved about $3000-$5000 this year making changes to my fertiliser program”.
“I’ve now got a good understanding on what soil pH is doing across my farm, and know in my mind that the cattle are getting good feed. 100% excellent and I encourage other farmers to do this too.”
Department of Water and Environmental Regulation’s Regional Estuaries Initiative Coordinator, Jennifer Stritzke said soil testing programs undertaken across the broader South West over the last eight years have shown that around 70 per cent of paddocks have more phosphorus than needed to support pasture growth.
“With nutrient run-off from agricultural land representing the largest source of nutrients entering estuaries in South West WA, farmers have the opportunity to improve water quality in their local waterways and estuary”, said Jennifer.
Expressions of interest are now open for farmers to get involved in the 2017 soil testing program. Registrations close on 26 August 2017.