David Hardwick from Soil, Land, Food is back to demystify the complexity of soil health.
Nutrient Calculator Sessions – Oyster Harbour
Work one-on-one with nutrient experts to review your soil test results in the online nutrient calculator. Book a session by contacting your catchment group.
Accu-Spread – Oyster Harbour, Wilson Inlet & Torbay
Join Australia’s leading Accu-Spread specialist Russell Nichol for a hands-on workshop demonstrating how to test and calibrate your own fertiliser spreading equipment. A calibrated spreader can help you get the most from your fertiliser investment and reduce nutrient loss to waterways.
DIY soil sampling training day: Oyster Harbour catchment
For participants of the Healthy Estuaries WA fertiliser management program. Contact bruce.radys@ohcg.org.au
Oyster Harbour estuary forum
Join us at our annual estuary forums to find out about the health of your estuary and the work happening to protect it.
Plant Tissue Sampling Training: Oyster Harbour catchment
Contact bruce.radys@ohcg.org.au
‘Brown gold’: best-practice effluent management for WA dairy farmers
Nutrient-rich manure (otherwise known as effluent) from dairy cows is a valuable resource to farmers. Through the Dairy for Healthy Estuaries project, Western Dairy and the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (the department) have been working together to improve dairy effluent management in Western Australia (WA) and protect waterways. … Read More
Farmers and local governments growing confident in managing dairy effluent
Sustainable development within the dairy industry is top of mind for the Dairy for Healthy Estuaries team which has been working with local governments in the dairying regions of Western Australia (WA). When dairy farms are upgrading or building infrastructure, it is an opportunity to make sure dairy effluent does … Read More