Search our publications hub to find documents about managing estuaries, the health of our waterways and work related to the Healthy Estuaries WA program. This includes publications by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation and other external organisations.
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River Health Assessment Scheme for the sub-catchments of the Swan Canning (WST:7)
Water-balance modelling of the Leschenault catchment (WST:10)
Department of Water
Water quality monitoring program design: a guideline to the development of surface water quality monitoring programs
Department of Water
Field sampling guidelines: a guideline for field sampling for surface water quality monitoring programs
Water Quality Improvement Plan for the Rivers and Estuary of the Peel-Harvey System – Phosphorus Management
Department of Water
Wilson Inlet catchment water quality year to year
The Leschenault Estuarine System, South-Western Australia: Condition Statement and Recommendations for Management
Water Quality in Wilson Inlet 2002 – 2006
Ernest Hodgkin’s Swanland: Estuaries and Coastal Lagoons of South-western Australia
Ruppia in Wilson Inlet
Bulletin of Marine Science
Recovery of Posidonia meadows in Oyster Harbour, southwestern Australia
Water and Rivers Commission
Water Quality in Wilson Inlet 1995 – 2002
Water and Rivers Commission
Managing the bar and the Inlet
Water and Rivers Commission
National Eutrophication Management Program in Wilson Inlet 1997 – 2000
Water and Rivers Commission
Summary of the Catchment Monitoring Programme
Water and Rivers Commission
Summary of the Estuarine Monitoring Programme 1995 – 1998
Aquatic Botany
Sensitivity of transects across a depth gradient for measuring changes in aerial coverage and abundance of Ruppia megacarpa Mason
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
Abundance of Ruppia megacarpa Mason in a Seasonally Variable Estuary
Water and Rivers Commission