Sustainable Agriculture Project Reference Group

The Sustainable Agriculture Project Reference Group (PRG) is a collection of farmers, industry representatives, catchment councils and government staff working together to shape the direction and outcomes of the Sustainable Agriculture Project.

The PRG meets quarterly to provide direction to our Fertiliser Management and DairyCare programs to ensure strong collaboration, coordination and communication across programs, partners and catchments.

The PRG aims to address the question:

How do we take action so that farmland is managed to improve water quality, profitability and productivity, and nutrient management?

Focussing on this question, the PRG keeps sight of farmers’, industry and community needs in shaping the programs that support estuary health.

How do we take action so that farmland is managed to improve water quality, profitability and productivity, and nutrient management?


Members of the PRG include representatives from:

  • Department of Water and Environmental Regulation
  • Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
  • Western Dairy
  • Dairy Australia
  • Fertilizer Australia
  • GeoCatch
  • Leschenault Catchment Council
  • Lower Blackwood Landcare District Committee
  • Oyster Harbour Catchment Group
  • Wilson Inlet Catchment Committee
  • Torbay Catchment Group
  • Peel-Harvey Catchment Council
  • Beef farmer representative
  • Dairy farmer representative