Hardy Inlet catchment
The Hardy Inlet is located on the far south-west coast of Western Australia adjacent to the town of Augusta. It is a relatively small estuary – 9 km2, at the seaward end of the 42 km-long Blackwood River estuary.
The natural setting of the estuary is an asset to the local community and popular for visitors. Fishing, boating and ecotourism activities are enjoyed on the estuary. Two rivers enter the Hardy Inlet just north of Molloy Island. The Blackwood River, which gives the upper estuary its riverine appearance, drains a large agricultural catchment. The Scott River to the east is considerably smaller but delivers large loads of phosphorus, mainly due to the low phosphorus-binding capacity of soils in the Scott River catchment. Residential areas are also responsible for nutrient inputs: fertilised gardens, stormwater drains, and leaching from septic tanks.