The Haines family together with Leschenault Catchment Council Project Officer, Julie Palmer (far right)
Mick and Shari Haines are passionate about protecting their property in Benger and the surrounding environment for future generations.
With assistance from the Regional Estuaries Initiative they installed three kilometres of stock-proof fencing to keep stock away from Norah Brook, two stock troughs, and fenced off five swales where drainage from the property flows into the Brook.
These five swales have been planted out densely with water loving sedges and shrubs suited to the banks to filter run-off prior to entering the waterway.
In total 2 700 seedlings have been planted by a small group of volunteers, Leschenault Catchment Council staff and the broader Haines family.
Such is their passion, they have already set their sights on other spots on their property to fence and revegetate with local native species to bring back the biodiversity and of course, improve water quality.
Funding is available for stock exclusion fencing along natural water courses or drains, and for planting local native vegetation to reduce sediments and nutrients entering waterways and improve water quality.
Alternatively, funding can be used to engage a fencing contractor if the landholder purchases the fencing materials. Up to two stock troughs are also on offer to prevent stock access to waterways.
If you would like more information or how to get involved in your area contact