Oyster Harbour Catchment Group’s Bruce Radys at the Albany Agricultrual Show held 10 and 11 November 2017.
Having a local community that is informed and engaged in achieving estuary health is critical to help guide future management and planning. Sharing information with local communities is especially important when complex scientific information needs to be presented.
The OHCG’s Bruce Radys, has been particularly busy over the last few months sharing his knowledge with a diverse group of people. From participating in the Albany Agricultural Show to hosting a boat cruise for OHCG members, Bruce was also on hand helping farmers interpret soil testing results.
Albany Agricultural Show
With nearly 20 000 people through the gates, the Albany Agricultural Show is a great opportunity to let the local community know about the Regional Estuaries Initiative and find out how they can be involved.
Despite the small area for the Oyster Harbour Catchment group stand, plenty of hands-on activities were packed in to get people interested, said Oyster Harbour Catchment Group’s Bruce Radys.
“Soil samples, which were collected from around the catchment, were displayed in trays along with information and equipment to carry out a field soil texture test.
“While some were hesitant at first, young people really enjoyed getting their hands dirty, rolling wet soil into balls and ribbons. This experiment helped explain how soil texture has an impact on its ability to hold nutrients”, said Bruce.
“Show-goers were also invited to test water samples collected from waterways throughout the catchment.
“As well as teaching practical skills, the activities gave an opportunity to engage in conversation with the community and tell them all about REI activities in their area.”