Investment planning for catchment actions
Monitoring data, estuary models and catchment models developed by the Regional Estuaries Initiative underpin recommended management actions to protect and improve water quality.
Water quality improvement plans outline which catchment management actions will drive the biggest improvement in water quality, taking into consideration cost, feasibility and community values.
Where water quality improvement plans report on what needs to be done, implementation and action plans address how the recommended management actions will be achieved.
As a part of the initiative a number of documents will be developed:
- Peel-Harvey Water Quality Improvement Plan
- Leschenault Implementation Plan (to be developed by Leschenault Catchment Council)
- Scott River Action Plan (to be developed by Lower Blackwood LCDC)
- Wilson Inlet Water Quality Improvement Plan

Other projects
- Better collaborative drainage management
- Booiyup - Centennial Park Wetland
- Brockman Park
- Capacity building
- Catchment modelling
- Catchment monitoring and condition
- DairyCare
- Estuary modelling
- Estuary monitoring and condition
- Fencing and revegetation
- Fertiliser management program
- Phosphorus binding clay
- River health assessments
- Seagrass monitoring
- Soil amendments
- Soil Wise
- uPtake
- Urban garden fertiliser use in Leschenault Catchment
- Yakamia Creek
- Z-Filter trial